
Register License

Registers a license with TrialKey


This endpoint allows a trial or licensed user to verify their credentials for your application(s). Once logged in the LicCheck API can be used to check information on their license.

Example URL:


Query Parameters




Your account domain (i.e. the part of



(Optional) A hardware fingerprint that represents the user's machine which will be used to match against in future LicCheck() calls. If this parameter is passed on registration then it must be passed on all subsequent LicCheck() calls. Note that the Require Hardware License option in the product should be set in order to use this option.fy them or their products and licenses.



(Optional) If passed, the license will be locked to the provided machine name. If this parameter is passed on registration then it must be passed on all subsequent LicCheck() calls.



The AuthToken acquired from calling the DoLogin() API.



The ProductCode from your TrialKey dashboard that identifies the product a license is being registered for.



A string of your choosing that identifies the version of your software that is being registered.

    "owner": {
        "id": "sha7891bikojbkreuy",
        "name": "Samuel Passet",
    "species": "Dog",}
    "breed": "Golden Retriever",

Return Value: If the license is successfully registered without the HardwareFingerprintReq parameter, then the call returns a string that represents a unique installation identifier in the format a75774e6-7a4a-44d0-8fc7-9f51c293ea7d called an InstallKey, which can then be stored by the application and used to check the license at any time via the LicCheck() API.

If the license is successfully registered with the HardwareFingerprintReq parameter, then the call returns a string that represents a unique hardware key identifier, which can then be stored by the application and passed to the LicCheck() API to check the license at any time via the LicCheck() API.

Although the response data returned is different depending on the above optional parameters were included, the RetCode of 2000 returned is the same for both calls.

If the any of the required parameters are not included in the call, then the call will return the text response Insufficient data provided to perform the requested action as well as a RetCode of 4000.

If the can not be registered because there are no available licenses, then the call will return a text response of No available licenses and RetCode of 4010.

Last updated