
Check license validity

Verifies a license


Example URL:


This endpoint allows a license to be checked for validity. This call requires an AuthToken to have been obtained using the DoLogin() API, which is then passed as a parameter in this call (see below).

Query Parameters

    "owner": {
        "id": "sha7891bikojbkreuy",
        "name": "Samuel Passet",
    "species": "Dog",}
    "breed": "Golden Retriever",

Return Value: If the call succeeds and the InstallKey passed was valid and has not expired, the call will return the text value Valid for a paid license, and the text value Valid Trial for a trial license, and a RetCode header with a 2001 value and a RetCodeDesc header with the expiry date.

If the InstallKey was not passed, the call will return a text value of Insufficient data provided to perform the requested action. A RetCode of 4001 will also be returned along with a RetCodeDesc value of Bad request, insufficient data, InstallKey required.

If the InstallKey was passed but was not valid, the call will return a text value of Invalid. A RetCode of 4010 will also be returned along with a RetCodeDesc value of License not valid.

If the call succeeds and the InstallKey passed was not valid or has expired, the call will return the text value Expired for a paid license (RetCode 4011, RetCodeDesc with the expiry date), and the text value Expired Trial for a trial license (RetCode 4011, RetCodeDesc with the expiry date).

Last updated