
Check license validity

Verifies a license


Example URL:


This endpoint allows a license to be checked for validity. This call requires an AuthToken to have been obtained using the DoLogin() API, which is then passed as a parameter in this call (see below).

Query Parameters




Your account domain (i.e. the part of



The authentication token returned from the DoLogin() API call.



The installation key to check for a valid license. This key is obtained when calling the LicReg() API call.hout having to store anything.



(Optional) If this parameter is included in the call, then the system will match the machine name value passed against what was recorded as the licensed machine name when the LicReg() API was called to register the license.

    "owner": {
        "id": "sha7891bikojbkreuy",
        "name": "Samuel Passet",
    "species": "Dog",}
    "breed": "Golden Retriever",

Return Value: If the call succeeds and the InstallKey passed was valid and has not expired, the call will return the text value Valid for a paid license, and the text value Valid Trial for a trial license, and a RetCode header with a 2001 value and a RetCodeDesc header with the expiry date.

If the InstallKey was not passed, the call will return a text value of Insufficient data provided to perform the requested action. A RetCode of 4001 will also be returned along with a RetCodeDesc value of Bad request, insufficient data, InstallKey required.

If the InstallKey was passed but was not valid, the call will return a text value of Invalid. A RetCode of 4010 will also be returned along with a RetCodeDesc value of License not valid.

If the call succeeds and the InstallKey passed was not valid or has expired, the call will return the text value Expired for a paid license (RetCode 4011, RetCodeDesc with the expiry date), and the text value Expired Trial for a trial license (RetCode 4011, RetCodeDesc with the expiry date).

Last updated